Inequality with ease

Kait of the Art
Resistance Poetry
Published in
Jan 6, 2021
Photo by John T on Unsplash

I now recognize

the walls

which I am in

invisible, yet immovable

which way to go?

left? right? center?

if only

I had a ladder

you too, do not realize

the glass walls

in front of your face,

anchored in their place.

this fun house

does not bring pleasure

unless you have

tools of measure

some have keys:

they unlock many doors

but since you have none,

you stay poor

you ask yourself

how and why

these clandestine corridors

are of supply

due to society, unimproved,

keepers of the keys

are all-consumed

bringing others to their knees:

inequality with ease



Kait of the Art
Resistance Poetry

I write about psychology, politics, personal growth, & leadership. I am currently trying to spend more time on creative writing.