Ré Harris
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJun 9, 2017


James Comey Standing in for Any One of Us

Dianne, I’ll direct this to you.
Yes, because you’re a woman.

What kind of ‘ism is it
that says your reaction without adrenaline
has to have been mine with?
That your reaction here
would have been yours there?

This time it’s a man
out there for all to see,
who didn’t respond to the one with power
in the way you think the stunned should.

What if this situation was different
and his boss had ‘hoped’ for something
more personal, more intimate,
as too many do? What if he’d
whispered, “I really look forward to working with you”
into his ear, in front of people,
knowing it couldn’t be repeated and make sense
in the way it was really meant?

Why do we reward bullies
for being sly with their aims?
For sounding benign to those who weren’t there?
For making us listen to you say what and how
we should have done?

Even ignorant bullies learn
not to leave the kind of trail
judges and juries can see
if they don’t overcome their attraction
to whatever ‘ism this is.

This situation wasn’t like the ones it brought to my mind.
Oh, Dianne, I’m so glad this wasn’t that.

Photo by tpsdave



Ré Harris
Resistance Poetry

Muser, Writer ~ practicing storytelling like Hendrix did guitar.