Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple, Rembrant

Jay Sekulow is Trump’s lawyer and a Grifter.

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry


Jay Sekulow is one of Trump’s lawyers

a convert to Christianity for reasons soon shown

& since the year 2000 has used telemarketers

to garner for himself & his family $60 million in

cold hard cash from retirees & ordinary folks

in the name of CASE …

Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism,

the telemarketers were given a script which

told them to give bleak warnings to those

folks answering the call …

about Obama, Muslims, Abortion …

all the horrors any good Christian

faces today,

& if folks plead joblessness or poverty

were urged to ‘dig deep’ for a

‘sacrificial gift’

& since the year 2000 his wife Pam

has made 1 million dollars,

his brother Gary 9 million dollars,

& his brother Gary’s wife

a cool 6 million dollars,

& Jay’s two sons & Gary’s son & daughter

have all received 1.7 million dollars

for work done

for this


It seems of course utterly fitting

that a grifter of such impeccable

American hustler credentials

should be employed by

The Orange One,


utterly fitting.

Praise the Lord Now y’hear.



Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @, Poems for Trump.