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Robots of Inhumanity

Robin Harwick, Ph.D.
Resistance Poetry


Back to work, I tuck down my pride
like an abused dog tucks his tail

I have to take orders from people I do not and cannot respect

Shallow empty shells — more closely aligned with robots than humans

Maybe their way is easier
The road I take is grueling

Constant barriers to go over, around, or move to the side

Sometimes, I barely have the strength to traverse the blockades
Sometimes, I feel beaten

I am forced to wait
Wait, wait, and I might discover the solution

Or maybe the path will change?

Changes will come as sure as the new world order

I must wait, patience and then…
the path will be cleared

Or maybe the path will change?

© Robin Harwick

Authors note: This was written over 25 years ago, and tucked away in my files. Unfortunately, when I came across it last week it still felt relevant.



Robin Harwick, Ph.D.
Resistance Poetry

Author, Educator, Researcher, Survivor, and Youth & Family Advocate.