Karma Chameleon

Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2020


“quean cham on a human hand” by Ante Hamersmit

I can’t let anyone close to me…
When they start knowing me
Is when they start showing me
Their true colors,
They’re never who they’re supposed to be.

Karma Chameleon,
Change up and reel me in.
Back wages paid from when I engaged in sin
Remember I was desperate…
Please let me in .
Only to find hearts made of tin.

Hollow hearts half the heft of mine.
Gave all of me
But still had separate minds.

I give all of me in an effort to find love.
Fail every time,
Be alone till my times up.

When I’m gone,
They’ll release some fine doves.
But while I’m here,
They don’t try to find us.

I’m down here,
In this hole that I dug.
Wellspring of hope,
Looks like mine has dried up.

For so long,
I saw the mirror and said,” I’m tough”
Then I realized that man wasn’t who I was.
Two eyes ain’t enough…



Resistance Poetry

essence of spirituality is contentment Know yourself, heal your universe Corruption causes justice to appear insane Increase awareness, decrease reactivity