Length and Time

Mark Juhan
Resistance Poetry
Published in
Dec 6, 2021

The cables loom longer in passing than
their mountain womb
and cranes tower over
that which
makes them,
but not for long

for human invention can’t vent its unfrustrated
dreams before the mounting prevention
as the one changeless
inescapable fact of this landscape is not
the rapidly passing pylons,
static though they may sound,
still they are not.

To think these peaks themselves are but passing folds to tectonic
genies sipping magma flows
is beyond the rhythm of what jolts
- plate boundary their fault though we may be told
older than old and new grew - flew - out
of its nest without a rest what rest is left
right left frightening wholes
to fill fully electric lives -
what still will
to the future sink?



Mark Juhan
Resistance Poetry

I get my imagination bet the letter with me (https://psychedelictheology.wordpress.com/) Writing for Resistance Poetry Interfaith Now & From the Poet’s Heart