Light Is Madness When You Have Been Insane For A Thousand Years

We’ve grown taller than your sermons, larger than your madness

Victor David
Resistance Poetry


Why is the image important. Get back to words. If you must know, photo by author, Victor David.

You thought we wouldn’t care if you washed your lies with blood. You thought we’d be busy with apathetic conversation.

It’s different now. We’ve grown taller than your sermons, larger than your madness.

Go ahead. Seize your market share, your trinkets, your video diversions. We have a better way of living. It starts with the wonderful magical beings we have become.

Return to your fossilized slumber. Dream of money rubbish and sound bites.

Yet we must give thanks. You shipped home bodies of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons, dressed in bloody bomb debris and desert fatigues, to awaken us.

We have ideas you can’t carve into abortion. We see emancipation from 48 payments, from sinful wages, from your cancerous mouths sucking sacred kinship from the earth.

The power of presidents and ministers fades with each killing you sanction. It fades into the dusty corners of your own coffins. You dealt your own failed cards of greed.

We reteach the meaning of humanity, yank the shawl from the face of your counterfeit Jesus. We light a torch to bring new light into the darkness.

Thanks for reading. I have a web site with more stories, poems, observations and rants. Also a mailing list if you like. Peace. Or at least, tranquility.



Victor David
Resistance Poetry

Stories, poetry, essays, observations, philosophy. Ex-military progressive. Seeking Cuban coffee. Have moved shop to: