Love, In a Frightful Twin Year.

Efe Nakpodia
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2020

I came
and I saw
the shelves
being emptied
by those who live
to conquer
who do not have.

Halfway down
the seventh aisle,
between a mob
of fretful stockpilers,
I spotted two loaves
of raisin bread
left fairly untouched,
and I was elated.
But some other girl
and her father
would reach them
before I did, so
my heart skipped a beat
and then, it sank.

In the throes of despair,
with all hope of finding a meal
suddenly fleeting away,
our eyes met
in a moment of silence,
and we spoke
a language of love
as she smiled as if to say:

You’re okay, dear friend;
I’ll take one for me,
and leave one for you —
for the ones you love
and care about too.



Efe Nakpodia
Resistance Poetry

—i am an imagist • iDream • outLOUD • my fourth book of poetry titled “iFELL in LOVE; i’m SORRY” is now available on Amazon:) xoxo