Low-Hanging Fruit

A Poem

Jonathan Greene
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Macu ic on Unsplash

Aren’t you tired?
Of stooping so low
and filling your pouch
with all of the
low-hanging fruit
that you can easily grab
without any effort,
but that’s why you like it,
because it’s easy,
and hard is too hard for you
as you are opposed
to curation and discretion
because it puts the fruit
up way too high
so you can’t grab it
and put it in your basket
and you are too lazy
to even go one rung up
and stand on your tippy-toes,
it’s too much for you to handle,
so you stay where you are,
flat-footed and content,
reaching over and over again
for the low-hanging fruit

Don’t you wonder?
Why you want something
that is so easy and right there
instead of reaching for more
and striving for better,
when you spend all day long
complaining about how hard
it all is, everything, all of it,
but that’s only because



Jonathan Greene
Resistance Poetry

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com