
What I paid for adoption

Michele Merritt
Resistance Poetry


I was his first child

And you, his last

He gave me away

And tried to keep you

But it didn’t work out

Your mom took you away from him

And when you messaged him

To tell him you were ready,

Ready to reunite,

He was so excited.

The trip up, he told me

Was the happiest he’d been

In a long while,

Until he got there

And it was too late.

I don’t know why

Heroin became your escape

I only know

I’ve always wanted to escape too

Escape my body

Run away from my mind

Anything to ease the pain

Of knowing I wasn’t good enough

To be kept.

Were you feeling abandoned too?

He was coming to remind you

That he still loved you so much

Instead, he was too late



Michele Merritt
Resistance Poetry

Philosophy professor. Adoptee. Advocate. Activist. Marathon swimmer. Cheese consumer. I write about dogs a lot.