Memorial Day 2020

Haiku Homage to George Floyd

Linda A Robinson, PhD
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

Brotherhood of man.
An ideal torn asunder.
Knee on a man’s neck.

The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin will give new meaning to Memorial Day national events. Yes, we celebrate that day to honor the soldiers who fought in world wars and lesser conflicts in Asia and the Middle East.

For as long as I live, I will remember that video image of Officer Chauvin’s face while he snuffed the breath out of a man simply because he was a Black American. As I write these words, I am sickened, again, by that image; tears roll down my cheeks for Mr. Floyd and all of the other young men and women who have been killed at the hands of rogue and hateful Police Officers.

Memorial Day will never be the same for me. And I am a White American.



Linda A Robinson, PhD
Resistance Poetry

Student of Life, Retired I-O Psychologist & Top Writer on Quora 2018