
Lyndsey Frondarina
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2020


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Welcome to America,
you too could be living the dream,
but take heed, it’s not all
what they make it seem.

All you have to do
is eat up the lies
they shove down your throats
for all of your lives.

Freedom and equality
can be yours for a price,
just tell ’em what
you’re willing to sacrifice.

Not that it matters,
you won’t be given a choice.
they’ll make you a slave to the system and
do everything in their power to silence your voice!

Hard work earns you respect
but don’t expect that to pay the rent,
you can work two or three jobs
and still live in a tent.

Only the one percent
earn a living wage,
the rest of us work our
asses off well into old age.

And don’t even think about complaining or asking
for help, just suck it up and put a smile on your face,
appreciate your scraps
and don’t forget your place.



Lyndsey Frondarina
Resistance Poetry

Just someone using writing as an outlet to deal with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and life in general. Poetry on IG @in.2.the.darkness