Million(?) Man MAGAt March

A Five Verse Haiku


Photo by C Drying on Unsplash

They are like maggots
eating garbage fed to them
by the Orange Man.

Believing nonsense
about fraudulent voting
from Twitter Fingers.

Embracers of hate
Megalomania fed.
Our nation’s crisis.

Shit-eating creatures
morph into stinging green-heads.*
Demon worshipers.

I wonder aloud
is our main-stream media
fueling madness?

*A fly species on Long Beach Island, NJ that bites people. These swarming green-heads are much worse than mosquito bites, leaving welt-like protrusions on the skin that both itch and hurt.

The news media reported on today’s protest (November 14, 2020) by Trump fans — Proud Boys and other white nationalists. Unlike the million expected, the media reported there were between 2K and 5K participants. The participants were mostly mask-less and Caucasian.

Yet another of the White House’s super-spreader events. In about a week, we can expect even more Covid-19 infections and by early December, more deaths attributable to this…



Linda A Robinson, PhD
Resistance Poetry

Student of Life, Retired I-O Psychologist & Top Writer on Quora 2018