Mixed Emotions

Emma Briggs
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2020


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

I don’t want to be glad to hear that you’re sick.
It feels so wrong to think like this,
but it gives me a hope which I cannot deny.
Because of your choices, thousands have died.
Your death could save many more lives
if it forces your mob to realise
science is the way to discover what’s real.
Without you, there may be potential to heal
the terrifying rifts that have opened between us.
It’s clear one person won’t defeat this virus.
We’ve a common cause we can only fight
if we drop self-interest and honestly unite.



Emma Briggs
Resistance Poetry

Australian writer, environmental activist, hang-gliding assistant & former sailor, journalist & clown. Poetry collection available now. www.emmabriggs.net