More Cries in Palestine

Long may they live

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

When will peace embrace historic lands
Sufferings upon sufferings
Blood on the leaves
Blood in the sand of ancestors past
Endless violence
The inescapable plight of a people
Who have occupied lands from time itself
Subject to conquerors greed
A pond in the road
Of imperialists path
Destructive doctrine
Dependent on the extinction of a people you can never erase
A people who have survived the crusades of conquerors past

When will their sufferings deter
When will the abductions ease
When will the bombs stop falling
When will they stop being forced out of their homes
When is the killing enough
The propaganda you preach
Is the apartheid everlasting
Can mothers live to see their sons grow
And now another tragedy strikes
Amidst a raging disease
Soldiers are destroying
Essential testing facilities
The cruelty involved
When will your wickedness cease
You’ll rather the disease
Spread and kill all with ease



Resistance Poetry

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be