Mexican literature



Samuel Cracia
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2020


Photo by Hobi industri on Unsplash

The mothers shout out at their children in the streets.
They reproach to them about bad grades
And all the stupid stuff they do with their friends.
They tell them: Talk!, talk as if you were in the classroom.
And their children lower their heads,
‘Cause they cannot understand the hard face of their mothers.
Why are they so upset?
Why are antics so important?

The children keep pondering about the seriousness of trivialities.
And the mothers keep trying to hide their problems with those pinheads
They do not wanna think about their pain
Their marital problems
And the debts
Because they lose their calm on thinking they are failing to their children.
The mothers know, in a certain way, that everything will have a meaning.

And they don’t sleep, sometimes don’t eat.
And often, while walking, they fantasize about the future.
And the children look at them with guilt
And both come back home together
In a sad way
Melting away into the crowd.

