my friend is teaching her 8 year old (poem)

Kate Holly-Clark
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2019
Loose stone wall, Liz West, Flickr, CC0

about boundaries, that it is ok to say no
when it comes to your body or your heart
and she is taking to it like a robin to air
or a carp to water

which seems both magical and strange
to a woman of my generation
come give uncle a hug
now, sweetie, give grandpa a kiss
don’t you want to give auntie a squeeze
when she pinches your cheeks it’s just because she loves you
he’s only mean to you in class because he likes you
give it a little more time
because men are different than women sweetie
I’m sure he didn’t mean to
I’m sure he won’t do it again
he’s got good intentions and a good heart you know

they taught us in school in New England, at least
that good fences make good neighbors
without telling us that Frost held a gun
to his daughter’s head until she said
she loved him.

Good fences make good neighbors
unless you’re a woman, then you’re not allowed
so much as a single picket

I wonder a bit what it will be like
when my friend’s daughter is grown
and she is very much a child of her generation
they teach them now
that not hugging is ok
that bodies belong to the person living in them
that love isn’t supposed to hurt you

I wonder if by the time they are done
good fences will make good neighbors
even if you’re a woman
even if there is no gun.

