My Mind Wanders

Ramblings from a plane

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

Floating through the bowels of this flying beast,
Faces covered,
Identity unknown,
Masked travelers on every row.

What social distancing?
Breast to breast,
Shoulder to shoulder,
Even the arm-rest is shared.

Set to leave
This place I called my temporary home.
A victim of a virus,
Grounded on foreign lands.

Finally let free,
To risk it all,
And explore the world.

A world strangled,
Ravaged by a raging illness.

It is my choice to leave this bubble,
My safeguard,
My oasis,
My island unknown,
Untouched and unbothered.
By this alien,
That’s taken so much,
And haltered our very lives.

Is my choice fatal?
Where do I go from here?



Resistance Poetry

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be