
Wading Through The Darkness

Christine Macdonald
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2020


The rabbit hole of truth. It seduces me with promises of knowledge. It haunts me when I cannot look away.

It is raw.

It is ugly.

The agony weighs me down until my tears lift the cloak of despair.

My tears have been born from heartache with too much consumption: social media hashtags of racism and hate.

Call it shock.

Disbelief that human beings can be filled with such hate. My addictive brain feeds off the toxic wheel of on-line information. It’s hard to walk away.

After another day of immense pain, I have a talk with my heart. Channeling wise souls who’ve helped guide me to where I am today after a lifetime of struggle.

“There is goodness in the world,” I say. “There is love. Seek love with the same energy you follow tragedy. Lean into the light. Darkness doesn’t serve your soul.”

I breathe with intent, shutting off my laptop.

I exhale with hope. “Tomorrow is a new day.”

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

If this world is pulling you under, please know you are not alone. Seek the light. Walk past the shadows that consume you.

