Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2017

News — breaking news
But always the same —
A lie or a threat or maybe a blame,

A tweet and a twitter,
A Congressional titter —

Bombastic blusters,
Everyone flusters.

Sabers rattle
With presidential prater —

Mark the line of battle;
We’ll follow like cattle.

Call the news fake;
Watch CNN quake —

Give the rich more riches;
Call the victims all bitches;

Forget the sex scares —
Is there a judge who cares?

He’s got the Court —
It’s all corporate sport.

Congress is dead and
The White House is red.

In a year it’s all lost and
Freedom’s the cost.

Those who voted for him
With smiles now so grim,

They believed all his lies
And fell for his guise,

Now stuck in the muck of a
Federal cluster fuck.

It wasn’t me, maybe not you —
We voted blue

What difference was made?
Congress not swayed.

We flounder like fishes,
While he gathers riches.

If there’s hope, I can’t see it
If there’s a hero, who be it?

News — breaking news
But always the same
A lie or a threat or maybe a blame.



Resistance Poetry

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.