
A poem

A. J. Gabs
Resistance Poetry


Photo from Pixabay

My voice died a little that day
The day the boy kept pushing when I said NO.
Come on, he said
It will just..
Just this once..

and then I found out I never had the choice anyway.

My voice died a little more
When one by one my friends left the table
“Sorry you guys broke up but we were more his friends anyway”
I sat at the table
Quietly singing happy birthday.

With shaking hands I stacked these bricks
and built a wall instead of me.
And my cry echoed in the chamber, bouncing off all the walls
and drowning me in its sorrow.

So, I stayed quiet .

Quiet for years —
Like the stillness of winter,
Sitting in my tower,
Surrounded by people,
But always alone.

And then she came.



A. J. Gabs
Resistance Poetry

An avid learner of neuroscience and child development. Once a certified counselor and teacher, now a parent, IT Professional and children’s author.