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No Victory Comes Without Its Pain

Paul Mullinger
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2020


No victory comes without its pain.
We know it’s so, though some deny it.
The visionary goes against the grain.

After defeat get up again,
Face the enemy and defy it.
No victory comes without its pain.

The fight to wipe out racism’s stain
Requires we first identify it.
The visionary goes against the grain.

Through wind and cold and snow and rain
Bring your message to the land and cry it.
No victory comes without its pain.

Through beatings and jails and shots to the brain
Spread the word until they buy it.
The visionary goes against the grain.

When justice becomes the world’s refrain
The nation will no more deny it.
No victory comes without its pain.
The visionary goes against the grain.

June 2020



Paul Mullinger
Resistance Poetry

I studied religion at the UC-Berkeley and have been interested in the spirit ever since. I try to give my poems a spiritual aspect whenever possible.