Not Another Moment

maurice blocker
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2020


Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

Don’t let this be another moment.
We’ve had them before.
Treyvon, now George.
With too many bodies in between.
We don’t need to add any more.
To a list that’s grown too painfully long.

Don’t let this be another moment.
Let it thrive a movement for real change.
Don’t just donate your corporate dollars.
Hire more black people,
put them in decision making roles.
Do it because it’s right.
Not out of shame.
Don’t just support black owned businesses and artists now.
Support them year round.
Don’t just protest.
Shake the ground.
Make your voice beyond a sound.
Vote for those who seek real change.
Not latching onto a movement for political gain.
Vote for those who want to change our criminal injustice system.
That wants to change how we police in this country.
That will hold police accountable,
when it’s right.
Not just when the camera’s are rolling,
shining a light.
Vote for those who want to change gun laws.
So it’s not easy to get one and hunt down a black man while he’s on a jog.
Or shoot up kids in school.
I’m tired of hearing about what went wrong.
Elect those who want change,
to move progress along.

