oh, black woman.

h.a wadi
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2020


Photo by Briona Baker on Unsplash

this anger,
this fear.
this all-consuming heavy atmosphere.

do u also wonder why were we ever placed here?

oh, black woman.
i haven’t been able to feel myself breathe
for the last 4 months and some change.

i haven’t been able to calm my chest
since the minute breonna taylor’s home became a shooting range.

today her murderers walk free,
oh, black woman,
today i’m reminded we have never been free.

for what this world has done to black women,
it deserves to burn.

they have the audacity to tell us
justice is something we have to earn.

oh, black woman.

i will fight tooth and nail,
rob and steal,
and burn this shit down,
until our sisters can heal.

cause we break
just as we build,
we cry
just as we teach.



h.a wadi
Resistance Poetry

Through love, there is light. Scientist/Writer/LocalActivist