Oh Fashion Victims

Where are the influencers now?


Thinking it would be easy

To change the world

Eating your day away

Behind your ultra-high

Resolution screens

Monitoring our lives

So influential behind

Your giant screens

With no life experience

So where are the influencers?

Influencers how come you don’t use your powers now?

So where are the influencers?

Influencers how come you don’t raise awareness now?

So where are the influencers?

Influencers how come you don’t create a highly popular movement to encourage volunteering on the field to help seniors and the most at risk?

Influencers, where are you?

Oh fashion victims, comfortably socially isolating at home

Afraid of living unforgettable fashion faux pas crisis

Losing popular votes wearing wrong immoral color schemes

Washing your hands from proper social and community impact

Hey influencers what are the best spring colors to fashionably live through the covid-19 pandemic?

Francine Fallara, 2020



Francine Fallara -
Resistance Poetry

Passionate, genuine and creative simple girl striving daily to express my inner rebel warrior. Geologist exploring the world for all its natural beauties.