Ganesh … The Remover of Obstacles, dancing.

Oh the sweet unfettered Joy of it all …

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019


Oh Giuliani! …

oh if Giuliani could just

have that rictus grin erased

as the Feds cross the numbers

& dot the t’s …

& if Graham could finally,

finally …

just one fine day,

have his simpering, hypocritical,

pronouncements from on high,

loyal shallow anger,


just plain seen by all,

as he heads home,

to graze on fine cuisine,

in his no doubt,

humble abode,

forever …

& if Gaetz, McConnell,

Jim Jordan …

oh the darkness there in Jordan …

oh wait …

yes … Steve King too,

that unabashed, unashamed

White Supremacist,

if … if …

& while we’re at it …

Hannity, Dobbs, Ingraham, Carlson,

Pence with his medieval homophobia,

Grisham with her indignation

at the unfairness of it all,

… when we hear from her

of course,

& Trump … oh Trump …

what to say?

what is left?

perhaps the “human scum”

will come to our aid,

but …

who’s holding their breath

on that one …

t’is up to you folks

those who turn up on the day,

please …

can we not just have

a decent, honest, empathetic,

most important man,

can we not?

Oh the day …

as he trundles off-stage

to count his coffers,

dream of higher towers,

and greener mounds,

& we don’t have to

watch this barren, cynical,

immorality show

no more.

Oh the day.



Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @, Poems for Trump.