Old Glory

Tattered Edges

Sydney Duke Richey
Resistance Poetry


Photo by David Beale on Unsplash

the flag hangs limp and lifeless
faded stripes, red and white
torn in shreds
the thread binding them
worn out, disintegrated
not able to withstand the
constant battering by the weather

a breeze softly moves
the tattered edges
and the clasp clanks sharply
rapping against the flagpole

a call to be noticed
a call to be cared for
a call to be restored
“clank, clank, clank”

this torn flag, is a symbol
of what America is now
and a reminder of
what America once was

a country bold and strong
far from perfect but
held together by common goals
a country that today is
falling apart at the seams

respect and decency
are tattered like the
stripes on this flag
torn apart by the very people
who now hold it high
a symbol of their “patriotism”
armed with weapons
they wave the flag in the faces
of charity…



Sydney Duke Richey
Resistance Poetry

Writing from the heart, I’m inspired by everyday experiences. My poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of my life. *Top Writer in Poetry*