Palm Psalm

Will Schmit
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2020


Normally a palm branch
stays pretty green
tacked to the wall
of my peace room.

Big spreading head of a fan
tooth edged saw spine.
this one split, cracked,

I first noticed it
the night I met Ylube.
She’s native Guatemalan.
Ylube told me about her son, Pablo,
4th grader, one of the educated men
about town. Back home
soldiers came and cut his Daddy’s ears

They left that night, Ylube and Pablo,
and walked. It’s illegal to walk too far
to get away from a bullet. ICE aims to
turn them back to the home jungle,
where normally a palm branch
stays pretty green.

Only reason I cut the palm branch
was to decorate my home.
Now that it’s shrunk up
I wish I would’ve left it
on the tree.



Will Schmit
Resistance Poetry

Will Schmit is an Author Poet Musician Will's most recent recording Fix My Car A Spoken Word Mythology is available for streaming on Spotify and at iTunes