
A Matter of Perspective

Terry Downie
Resistance Poetry
1 min readMar 30, 2020


A solitary three quarter moon on a pitch black background in black and white.
Photo by Marcus Dall Col on Unsplash

The moon isn’t on lockdown,
It doesn’t need to isolate,
It’s not bothered about Boris’ speech
Being put back to half past eight.

The birds aren’t panic buying,
They couldn’t give a shit,
They’re all still flying close together
Coz they don’t care one little bit.

The trees won’t wash their branches,
Or start wearing leaf-shaped gloves,
And no matter how bad this shit gets
The sun will still shine up above.

The world, she’ll keep on spinning,
Dancing around her star,
And the rest of the planets don’t give a fuck
That they’ve shut your local bar.



Terry Downie
Resistance Poetry

Master of hard truths. Exploring culture, mindset, tech and entrepreneurship. Forever taking global issues personally. Creator of