Peace in the Middle East

Without blood all over the sand

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

Peace talks held without mention of the afflicted,
Peace talks held when no quarrel ever existed,
Peace talks held with an occupation still proceeding.

Diplomatic victories, surely look good for an election,
Throwing the word peace in there also never harms,
Especially, if you’re trying to deceive a base gullible to your whims,
Who’ll accept any form of conquest.
Never mind it being helpful if the media reports it as a win,
More points for an election.

So lets look at what really happened,
In your normalization efforts.

Peace between who?
I’m sure it was states at war.
You know the Emirates and Israelis,
Don’t forget the vicious conflict Israel had with Bahrain.
Life long enemies, haven’t they always been at odds?

But it’s all over now,
Since the white knight looking for re-election,
Has brokered the deal that’ll witness,
“Peace in the middle east, without blood all over the sand”.



Resistance Poetry

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be