Perfectly Round Circles

Krishna Betai
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2020


Photo by Isabella and Louisa Fischer on Unsplash

I like circles, perfectly round,
I tell them. I like it when the leaves
On the saucer and the handle
Of the cup point in the same direction.
I like Grecian architecture —
Equidistant pillars with equidistant lines
Running from top to bottom, I tell them.
I like stacking books from A to Z
On some days, and from red to violet
On other days; it makes me happy,
I tell them. Pencils, they’re fun
To line up — like a fleet of school buses.
I like how the ice cream swivels
On top of the cone — like the slide
In my backyard, the backyard of
Well-manicured bushes and lawn.
I tell them I like to clean my room
And other things, making them look like
The pictures in home decor magazines.
I like my text justified — a finite structure
For infinite thoughts scattered throughout.
I like patterns on pavement tiles, I tell them,
It’s nice to discover art in the shadow
Of the grey cityscape.

