
Jane Woodman
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readApr 13, 2020


Author’s garden in April

An open mirror to the sky
her sudden scudding clouds —
A lake rippled by gusts
of breathless fascination —
I am all surface:
depths of old days
foundations for wavelets
expressing breezes
exhaled by a loving Earth.

Spring has wandered
into another time.
We wait, scarcely breathing.
Even the daffodils
small carvings from greenwood.

Winter’s the time for meditation,
but Earth’s wisdom this year
makes space for more —
a platform for careful connecting
of mind and heart.
Attacked by greed,
by worshippers of the golden god,
Earth still spreads out her heart,
wraps us all in promised Beauty,
in gold of daffodils,
in sure visions of bounties to come.

She is strong.
Ignorance will not destroy her.
She will continue
without us if necessary
but full of hot Life
and Beauty unperceived.

