Politics and Poetry

A Poem That Will Not Stay In Its Lane

Dale Biron
Resistance Poetry


Politics and poetry should never be mixed!
Well, that’s a lie we can no longer afford.
Turns out neither can live alone.
Citizens, who gets what and when?
The question?

Once there was a nation that actually
organized itself on the pursuit of happiness.
Can you imagine?
Of course, it could never be done,
but neither could it be forgotten.

What else might happiness mean, if not
health, respect, and having a chance?
Sure, you can describe all these
things with a string of prose:
nouns, verbs, adjectives,

traveling directly from A to B,
with such pedestrian efficiency.
But we all know the
horror of cliched laws,
and worse yet, the cliched

reasons for having such laws.
Without a natural heat
from the heart, our souls
will freeze from the inside out.
Why hell, I’ve seen whole nations

simply die standing on their broken feet,
with a language so puny and thin, unable
to handle even the smallest of storms.
From miles away, you could see the speed
of their failing, how fabulous was their final fall.

© 2020 –Dale Biron



Dale Biron
Resistance Poetry

Poet | Author | Speaker “I focus on poetry as a tool for living a better, saner, and happier life in our personal, civic, and work lives.” www.dalebiron.com