President Bull

Rampaging Around the worlds China Shop

James G Brennan
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2020


Photo by Garrett Butler on Unsplash

President Donald bull,
Rampaging around in a china shop.
Wreaking havoc around the world,
Now wreaking havoc
Upon his own country,
Where will this mayhem end?

So he believes the country he owns
The country is not yours to do as you like,
A murder you can not commit
You silly, arrogant orange bull-y.

The country now owned by your
Corporate masters,
The ones you bow down to
And sit there nice and obedient,
Quietly at their rapacious feet.

Affording their Balmedie Heffer
It’s vitriolic eruptions,
Seeing just how far they can push their people,
The people of America.

Only, your manner of spouting
And manner enacted
Has frustrated their plans
And set the whole world alight,
Against you and against them.
What a fuck up you are!

President bull rampaging around,
In the world of the China shop.

Thank you for reading. J.



James G Brennan
Resistance Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.