Protesting Extinction Rebellion Idiots

Climate change is happening but you’re not helping

Reuben Salsa
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

You don’t know me
I’m part of the corporation
I’m on the side of evil
The face you want to hate
The polluter to the planet
The man
The hated suit ruining your day
Destroying the environment
with his smog
and factory
and emission choking
Clogging the waterways
Feeding the cows
Putting more nitrates onto the land

How much do you know?
How much do even care about me?
Do you believe your own propaganda?
Why do you hate me?
Hate my children?
Want me stopped?
Out of work
unemployed and homeless?
Why do you wish me harm?

Do you have all the facts?
Don’t you know we’re trying to reduce our nitrates?
That we’re actively cleaning the waterways?
Has no one told you we wish no harm to animals?
Why would we?
Why would any farm?

