
Poetry tell

Michael Stang
Resistance Poetry


Chelms Varthoumlien_Unsplash

Universal temps do or dye that thing hangs everywhere
You will never see it’s
Blind corner speedballs, singular flash-pan-guns
Filling up the hallways always a mess
Relatives to the fish fry
Calling this family

Embarrass yourself up the street in the alley
Trust all that can’t screw down and half the other
They never made it so good enough to flimsy
You beat them though that’s right
They’re every fucking day
You follow stutterer

State cocoon reality wards sightless feasts —inconsiderably impaired
Ooze to the eight feet — start there
Bus stop read every sixty-two minutes
Keep the change but keep your mind off our nation’s flowers
Their Lillies not your dirty hands

Broken you, did that presume the trust you seek
Your beginning
Our end
The man with the open pen dressed to the twos
Your breath stinks flaccid impurities
Not your history though chapter and verse
Will double down to erase the curse

Michael Stang 2020

