Real Life Superheroes

War on truth

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The war on truth continues
Journalists murdered, abducted, jailed
Whistle blowers harassed and unprotected
The crusade on justice marches on and impunity flourishes
Authoritarian repression increases by the day
In countries from all over
And the blood of truth sayers spills with impunity
People who have braved and have risked
In the name of truth and In change
Democracy and accountability
And the love of all humanity

The war persist
Guided by mindless political hawks
A war of information and propaganda
Lies and mistruths
Designed to mislead the people
And squash popular participation
But there’s a resistance of brave souls
Real life superheroes you may say
But they’re systematically fading
Facing extinction from a system that suppresses
We must protect our journalists
For we the people to exist



Resistance Poetry

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be