
Remembering Gary Snyder

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry
Published in
Mar 30, 2021


I came in early

from working

on a day

I’d long planned

to cut back

over grown plants

in the garden.

But then the rains came

a grey mist at first

blowing steadily

from the west ridge

over the lee

of the Oak wood

I sat in the kitchen

The back door

had been open

most of the day

I watched rain falling

and recalled

for some reason

the first time

I’d read through

Regarding Wave.

Gusting winds

of a summer gale

blowing in off

the Irish Sea

swept through

the Birch

at the top of the garden.



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.