Rimmed For Life

A Poem

Radha Kapadia
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

What is it like to see with bare eyes?
How does it feel?
Is it as beautiful as I see
from these thick glasses of mine?
Or better?
How do I not remember?

Somebody told me
“It is an experience in itself, to see without a barrier
to touch what you see without a barrier
to feel what you see without a barrier
The vibrance, the colors will leave you gaping
when you realize, how much you missed out on,
owing to the barrier”

Oh! How I wish to see what you see
with my bare eyes
But when I take off
these rimmed views
I see lost focus,
so for me, glasses on is better
less vibrant but focused

They say it stands so clear
finer than a fine movie print
an alluring sight unimpeded
I can only imagine, Oh so lucky they must be!
to see the clear, the real
without aid — the definite creation of almighty



Radha Kapadia
Resistance Poetry

Welcome to my memoir where I’m a forever student of life | Catch me: radha19kp@gmail.com | Connect/Support: https://linktr.ee/radhakap