
maurice blocker
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readMay 13, 2020


Photo by Hennie Stander on Unsplash

So tired,
of all this running.
put hands on knees.
Take a breath.
Look back.
They’re still coming.

and unemployment.
That’s how they catch you.
No money to eat.
Tired feet.
Weak from their greed.
Minimum wage captures you.
Traps you.

Now they got you for life.
Kill the ones they don’t like.
Work the rest,
having them pump the fuel,
of their own financial oppression.

Keep running,
or next I’ll be.
I see.
Four hundred years of slavery,
you’ve been running free.

Can you save me?
Sorry, I’m only a poem.
Words can’t stop,
real hands from grabbing thee.

Copyright © Maurice Blocker 2020

