Sacrificial Lamb

A Villanelle

Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry
1 min readSep 8, 2018


He sacrificed everything for the common good

Called unAmerican for dropping to one knee

However, in America, he will always be from the hood

Old white men, threatening his livelihood

They burned his jerseys with glee

He sacrificed everything for the common good

From the beginning, he was misunderstood

But the Nike brand will always be a devotee

However, in America, he will always be from the hood

All this time, Colin never wavered, he did what he could

Enemies abound, with their ridiculous hyperbole

He sacrificed everything for the common good

He used his platform to highlight injustices, as he knew he should

Knowing that there were no guarantees

However, in America, he will always be from the hood

Go ahead and destroy your Nike belongings, revealing your immature manhood

At least Colin Kaepernick has been extraordinarily gutsy

He sacrificed everything for the common good

However, in America, he will always be from the hood



Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou