Scrot Frenzy

Mark Juhan
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2020
Pawel Kuzcynski

I dissociated into my screen so that I can be my friend with them again

Divisive devices
Ride deriding
Re-diving chiding
Hiding guiding behind
widening paradigming to breaking-point

The more honest the moron is
The war closest to law run amok

Like cordyceps fungi spiritually possessing the inner life of an ant or bee
Instead of pheremonal home walk-fly in line find nest no jest just groupthink

Grasshopper can temporary nature monomania locust
Feeding dry each last spick and span of biomass

Nothing like an empty soul to scream on a scream on screen onto scroll rot to scrot

Keepsafe distant record — wistful ant, gistful culture-carrier:
There’s a noble aim that lives in what it’s become.

Passively act — bee your unself oh vision of a dream gone
conform to a chamber of Echo’s Narc like a blind bark winding into sight

Awareness raised to fever pitch word off the edgeways central benchmark wrenched clean of context
Social Media has saved us to live in just such a juster jester whirl a world made of friendsies.

But it feeds on our frenzy.

Pawel Kuzcynski



Mark Juhan
Resistance Poetry

I get my imagination bet the letter with me ( Writing for Resistance Poetry Interfaith Now & From the Poet’s Heart