Second Chance

What will you do if you’re given a second chance?


Life and death,
Both ends of each scale,
One heavier than the other.
Which will succeed?
Who will triumph?
Who gets to decide?

Anxious looks all around,
Expect the worst they say,
Bowing their heads in prayer,
Hands clasped to their anguished, teary faces.
When all hope seems lost,
Somehow, miracles do happen.
Indeed there is a God above.

A second chance,
Where odds are against us.
His eyes flutter open,
Drawing in a new breath,
Breathing in new life.

A new beginning,
A second chance,
To undo his sins,
To finally make things right.
But he’ll always wonder why,
Of everyone deserving out there,
Why him?



Mallory J. Dominic
Resistance Poetry

Forever having too many thoughts on my mind. The good and the bad, I’m writing them down as keepsakes — in hope to inspire me and you to be better each day.