foto©robcullen30062020 the old bench.

Silence kills

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry


foto©robcullen30062020 pathway

I walked past the bench today on the old pathway
a place we’d sit surrounded by woodland stretches
where I’d listened to you talk of Poland before the war

Of the Germans, Auschwitz and you as a teenage boy
delivering bread from your father’s bakery
to the Waffen SS barracks I remembered in sepia tones

Photographs only. And you’d lose some loaves behind
the wire fences — no more words, no more details,
you did what was needed to be done. No questions.

What else could you do. Nothing more to say

The old bench is falling away now, the pathway a mire,|
boot marks washed in black mud by the rains
constant falling. And your days my dear Stanislaus

are getting forgotten too. Are you listening to the way the rain
is falling again today. And so with thoughts of you I walk through
the heavy leafed trees weighed by the gathering rain.



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.