Silent Dog Whistle Falls on Deaf Ears in January 2021


Photo by Bill Jelen on Unsplash

Think of a world without the piper
The one whose tweets calls forth each viper
Silenced, at last, the guy with the whistle
Falling into the past, the mournful missile

His shrill and dangerous rhetoric
Spilling into small brains of confederates
Hanging on the words of a lie amplifier
They cut down a Tree of Life, and Heather Heyer

It’s January 2021
We awake to soft cold, and all we have done
There’s ashes here, the fevers and fires
have darkened our hearts, yet hope inspires

We, weak at first, but determined to achieve
What we know of truth, and of the love we believe
Because, look there! Our stripes and stars,
Acclaim red blood and cleaner hearts

Wiser now, sad, we sip, in our sobriety
Chicken soup for the soul, blended strength, variety
But where are they, the fanatics, the tools and fools?
Our Past’s sheet wrapped ghosts, hovering like ghouls?

Did they slip back under boulders, are they underground?
History-laden rocks lay heavy, until the next missile sounds



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Resistance Poetry

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.