
muthita wanla
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2020
Photo by Muthita Kanwerayothin

One by one the black legs crawled through the fence
As they invaded our home on fragile limbs
With helmets so strong on their tiny heads

At first it was a tiny bite on our flesh
But then they webbed all windows and doors
Trapping us inside their locked nest

Sunlight peeked through some cracks on the wall
But it was not enough to light up the room
That was dimmed by the spiders and their threads

The newborns wailed in this hopeless house
Where blood was shed and soaked the ground
But the spiders covered it all up with the chains they wove.

We did not ask for them to come
We never asked for them to come
Still they seized our freedom and sew our mouths shut
Still they stole our hope and killed our futures
Still they sucked our blood over and over
And some of us let them
And some of us welcomed them
Let them tied their webs on our wrists
Let them laid their eggs in our bodies

I fear one day the candlelight would die out
I fear one day it would be normal to live with spiders
I fear one day they would crawl into my lungs
And suffocate me until I could write no more.

