Sticks and Roger Stones

But words will never hurt me

Harper Thorpe
Resistance Poetry


Artwork © Nancy Ohanian — Used With Permission

My actions fuel your hissy fit
You scream that I’m a hypocrite
What’s that you claim you won’t permit?
You really think I give a shit

We’ve been no help with oversight
Now SCOTUS stuff to expedite
Keep screaming power grab, you’re right
Don’t threaten us, we’ll win this fight

So what, Trump’s a philanderer
They love our Christian panderer
Our tweeting libtard slanderer
And me, a gerrymanderer

Trump’s plague cure was “ingest solvent”
One news cycle, we’re despondent
Then no-mask super-spread event
On the record, we’re “No comment”

Democracy hangs by a thread
Your cherished institutions, shred
The adult supervision’s fled
Not cowards us, we made Trump’s bed

So what, Trump pardoned Roger Stone
Of course, the ass he saved — his own
With Putin’s speed-dial on his phone
November 3rd, you’re overthrown

Now, are you motivated to vote?!

©2020 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.



Harper Thorpe
Resistance Poetry

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!