
Poem to the Current President During COVID 19 Pandemic

Patsy Starke
Resistance Poetry


photo-1553465528–5a213ccc0c7bby Camila Quintero Franco

Stop we plead,
we beg you.
In our isolation,
we lament,
we scream,
Stop your lies.

No matter what you say,
people are dying,
loved ones,
mothers and fathers,
sisters and brothers.

Our loved ones,
not yours.

A world that’s sick.
Your numbers,
without emotion,
without remorse.
Is life restored?
Do they make you great?

You erase our grief,
your phony proclamations,
false hope.
Are you God,
our salvation,
when you worship you?

Stop your lies,
so we can begin to heal.

Patsy Starke 4/22/2020



Patsy Starke
Resistance Poetry

Registered Nurse, Transgender Woman In a lifelong transition, realizing my place here. Trying to make sense of my life, while trying to make a difference.