
The boys out there in the park.

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry


I remember seeing you,

that first day, sitting in the stink

of the wet flagged floor

of a green walled prison cell in 82.

A young blond haired boy,

looking so much younger

than the ten years of age

of the birth date you gave.

And thirty three years

have passed since then,

but you greet me with the same

mischievous narrow lipped grin.

In all the years I’ve known you,

that bit of you has never changed

through the visits I’ve made

and all the prisons we name,

like some mad tourist guide

of the broken and lost years.

And you still call me

by my first name,

as you’ve always done.

“How are you?” you ask,

when you shake my hand



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.