The Certain Convictions of Average Men

John Gillen
Resistance Poetry
1 min readApr 13, 2020


Beware the certain convictions of average men
Theirs is the genius of conformity and hate
Like a river of hemlock
Like a Michelin star prison cell
They don’t know who Mozart is
Or why Bob Dylan sang

Moses died writing a song
Samson spent his time with whores
Until God let him kill himself
Seems to me a good life
Maybe the best one

I wonder what Jesus would have done with three dollars in Mexico and the good cane sugar on a desert night full of Marias

Maybe they wouldn’t have gotten him
Maybe the crowd wouldn’t have chanted
Maybe the carpenter wouldn’t have been nailed up
By Pilate’s washed hands

But it would have been wrong
What’s right is right
So beware the certain convictions of average men

Which they wield like a tiger’s paw
Clutching a diamond blade

Don’t let them fool you
Don’t let them win
It’s only life
Make them bite you

